Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hiatus Over--New Direction

Ive taken off a big chunk of time from social media to focus on my book, but now Im ready to dive back in.

I'm going to take the blog into a new direction. I intend to use it as a clearing house of writers and ideas that I'm reading and learning from, as well as a kind of journal where I can process my thoughts and hone my views on the topics that interest me. I'm interested in covering the space industry, science-fiction, modern life & our narratives—religious, political and Hollywood (which will always include my thoughts on Star Trek, and the state of pop sic-fi in general).  

Here are some of the topics I will focus on in the coming months:

Space Race 2.0?
Let's just say, something is happening up there, and what it is ain't exactly clear. Im going to be linking articles and blogs that take a critical eye on the space industry and space militarization, as well as commenting on NASA's exploits (or lack thereof), SETI, etc.   

Our Narratives—Past & Present
This will be where I essay on fiction as well as TV and movies. 
One big project I'm working on: for over a year I've been reading the first 50 years of space sic-fi literature (1850-1900). The result will eventually be a book, but I will start to post some of my essays. 

Organizing Principles
This is the tag line I keep coming back to as my newfound political identity: conservative philosophy sans conservative policy; liberal policy sans liberal politics. If that sounds squishy, it is. But it happens to express how I feel (and vote), and I think many Americans are of the same mind. More on what I mean later. But first, I'm going to write some essays about nihilism, and its increasing and dangerous influence on modern pop culture. 

Stay tuned. 

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